



Samuel P. Scott 的《盖尤斯法学阶梯》英译本是根据 Huschke 的拉丁文原始文本译出 [i] ,黄风的中文版依据的原始文本是恩佐·那尔第( Enzo Nardi )的版本。基于版本的不同,两者在内容和结构上呈现出较大的差异,中译本中大量“此处缺 X 行”的片断,在 Scott 的 英译本中是完整的。同时,两种译本在片断的编排上也有很多不同。

从翻译的风格上看,这份英译本的翻译显得轻松随意,大量专门的术语并不以专有名词的形式出现,比如公共物,就是 thing which are public ,城市地役权却是 Servitudes attached to urban estates ,甚至有时同一个术语在不同的语境中用以表达的语词也不同,比如曼兮帕蓄形式的买卖在第一卷称为 mancipate ,第二卷则直接用 sale 表示,但该译本好处是能对原文的精微细致之处予以明白晓畅地体现,相形之下,黄风的译本则显得更古朴凝重,强调术语的特殊性以及一致性,虽然有时使得原文显得晦涩。两种译文风格,孰优孰劣,难以一概而论。比如在 G.3.126 中“ ita et horum obligatio accessio est principalis obligationis, nec plus in accessione esse potest quam in principali r e 一句, 英译本固然显得明白“ their liability is also accessory to the obligation of the principal, and the liability of the accessory cannot be greater than that of the principal. ”,但失去原文那种通过比喻说明的味道,而 黄风 先生翻译为“他们的债相对于主债是附属债,在添附中附属物不可能超过主物”,则显得很古朴。当然,文风问题不是本文的重心所在。

本文的分析包含以下四个方面:第一,列出中英文译本的片断编号差异;第二,根据英文版对中文版中残缺的片断进行补充;第三,列出两个译本翻译差异较大的片断;第四,中译本可能存在的误译之处 。其中第二部分是本文的重心所在,虽然 Huschke 的文本并非是最权威的,但对于原来残缺的内容有一次完整认识的机会,总是值得尝试一下的。三四两部分的意义在于对于中文版中意思模糊以及可能存在的错误,根据 Scott 的译本进行修正和借鉴。



(一)英文版有 G.1.57a ,“ Marriage, however, cannot take place with persons of servile condition. ” 中译本无此片断

(二)中译文分为 G.1.32 , G.1.32a ;在英文版中,两者合而为一只有 G.1.32 。

(三)中译文有 G.1.164a, 英文版无此片断。

(四)中文版有 G.2.7 和 G.2.7a ;英文版则把两者合为 G.2.7 。

(五)中文版有 G.2.9a ;英文版无此片断。

(六)英文版有 G.2.26a ,中译文缺。“ In the provinces, however, no private property in land exists, nor is there any free citizenship. ”

(七)中文版有 G.3.119 和 G.3.119a ;英文版中,两者合在 G.3.119 片断中。

(八)中文版有 G.3.121 和 G.3.121a ;英文版中,两者合在 G.3.121 片断中。

(九)英文版中有 G.4.52a 片断;中文版中,两者合在 G.4.52a 片断中。

(十)中文版中, G.4.53a 介绍四种过分请求以及具体说明物品过分, G.4.53b 具体说明时间过分请求, G.4.53c 具体说明地点过分的请求, G.4.53d 具体说明诉因过分的请求;英文版 G.4.53a 介绍四种过分请求以及具体说明物品过分、时间过分请求和地点过分的请求, G.4.53b 具体说明诉因过分的请求。

(十一)中文版中 G.4.72 的内容,在英文版没有;英文版中的 G.4.72 实际上是中文版中的 G.4.72a





[ 此处有残缺 ] 被称为尤尼亚拉丁人。称他们为拉丁人是因为他们被等同与殖民区拉丁人;冠以“尤尼亚”是因为他们是根据《尤尼亚法》获得自由权的,而从前他们被视为奴隶。


(22) Slaves manumitted in certain ways are called Latini Juniani; Latini for the reason that they are classed with Latin colonists, Juniani because they received their freedom under the terms of the Lex Junia , as before it was passed they were considered slaves.

补充部分:“以某种方式被解放的奴隶被称为 尤尼亚拉丁人”



即便上述拉丁人在证明其一岁儿子的拉丁人身份之前去世, 儿子的母亲仍然可以予以证明,而且她也将变为罗马市民,如果她曾是拉丁人 [ ……此处缺 2 行 ] 至于因其生母是罗马市民而成为罗马市民的儿子,仍然应证明其身份,以便成为其父亲的自家继承人。


However, even if the Latin should die before he was able to prove that his son was a year old, the mother of the latter can prove his condition, and hence both she and her son (if she is a Latin) will become Roman citizens. If the mother should not be able to prove this, the son himself can do so when he reaches the age of puberty. If the son himself is a Roman citizen, for the reason that he is born of a mother who is a Roman citizen, he must still prove his condition in order to become the heir of his father.

补充部分:“如果她是拉丁人,她和她的儿子都将成为罗马市民。假如她不能证明,当儿子成年时,他也可以为自己证明。假如儿子自己就是罗马市民——因为是由作为罗马市民的母亲所生, 仍然应证明其身份,以便成为其父亲的继承人。”



我们所介绍的关于一岁儿子的那些规定,应理解为也同样适用于一岁的女儿。 [ 此处有残缺 ]


What we have stated with reference to a son being a year old we also understood to apply to a daughter of the same age.




[ ……此处缺 2 行 ] 将变为罗马市民 ,如果他们在罗马的卫队中服役 6 年,后来据说制定了一项元老院决议,规定:如果他们服兵役满 3 年,也被授予罗马市民籍。


Moreover, by the Lex Visellia , persons become Roman citizens, where by manumission they have become Latins, when either under or over thirty years of age, if they have served for six years in the guards at Rome. A Decree of the Senate is said to have been subsequently enacted by which Roman citizenship was bestowed on Latins if they had served for three years in the army.

补充部分:“而且,根据《维塞利亚法》,被解放的拉丁人,无论是否达到 30 岁 将变为罗马市民 ”



[ ……此处缺 9 行 ] 如果一名你所享用的奴隶根据罗马法是我的,你仅能把他变为拉丁人,只有我而不再是你可以将他再次解放,从而使他变为我的解放自由人。他也可以通过其他方式取得罗马人的权利,变为我的解放自由人。他死时所留下的财产由你占有,无论他是以何种方式获得罗马市民籍。当然,如果他是由既享用他又对其拥有所有权的人的解放的,该人可以将他变为拉丁人并使他获得罗马人的权利。


Slaves who become Latins either because they are under thirty years of age when manumitted, or, being over that age, have been informally manumitted, may become Roman citizens by being again manumitted either by the wand of the pr?tor, or by inscription on the register of the census, or by will; and in either of these cases they become the freedmen of the party who manumitted them a second time. Therefore, if a slave forms part of your property by bonitarian right and belongs to me by quiritarian right, he can be made a Latin solely by you, and he can be manumitted a second time by me but not by you, and in this way he will become my freedman; and if he obtains the right of citizenship in other ways he still will be my freedman.The possession of his estate at the time of his death is however granted to you, no matter in what way he may have obtained Roman citizenship. But, if he is manumitted by one who has in him both bonitarian and quiritarian rights he can be manumitted by the said party, and become both a Latin and a Roman citizen.

补充部分:“被解放的奴隶成为拉丁人的原因有二:或者是因为他们被解放时在 30 岁以下,或者虽然他们超过 30 岁,但被以非正式的方式解放。这样的拉丁人可以成为罗马市民,通过再一次被解放:或者是诉请解放,或者在人口普查的时候被登记,或者通过遗嘱解放。这种拉丁人通过以上的任何一种形式都可以变成解放自由人。”



对于我们在介绍通过遗嘱解放奴隶的数额时所谈到的规则,应当作这样的理解:对于那些可以解放其中一半、三分之一、四分之一或者五分之一的奴隶数来说,决不应解放少于前一个限额数的奴隶。这是由法律规定的;实际上这的确很荒谬:拥有 10 名奴隶的主人可解放 5 人,因为他被允许解放一半奴隶,相反,拥有 12 名奴隶的人却不得解放 4 名以上的奴隶; [ ……此处缺 24 行 ]


What we have stated with reference to the number of slaves which can be manumitted by will should be understood to mean that where a man has a right to liberate the half, the third, the fourth, or the fifth part of his entire body of slaves, he shall in no case be restricted to a smaller number than he would have been permitted to manumit had the estimate been made according to the next preceding scale. This provision is in accordance with reason, for it certainly would be absurd for any one to be permitted to liberate five out of his ten slaves, because he is granted authority to manumit half of that number; while another, having twelve slaves, would not be permitted to manumit more than four; and anyone who has more than ten and not more than thirty, under the same rule should be permitted also to manumit five, the same number which he who has ten is allowed to liberate.

补充部分:“在某人有超过 10 个而不到 30 个奴隶的情况下,根据同样的规则,他可以解放 5 个,与拥有十个奴隶的人能够解放的数目相同”



[ 此处有残缺 ] 实际上,如果在遗嘱中解放的是一些其名字被转圈排列的奴隶,由于找不到任何解放奴隶的顺序,因而任何人也得不到自由,以为《福菲亚和卡尼尼亚法》撤销那些以欺诈它的方式实施的行为。也有专门的元老院决议,据以粉碎那些欺诈该法律的图谋。


I f freedom should be granted by a testator in his will to a greater number of slaves than is above mentioned, and the names are written in a circle so that no order of manumission can be ascertained, none of the said slaves shall become free; because the Lex Fufia Caninia , as well as other special Decrees of the Senate, have declared all testamentary provisions devised for the purpose 01 evading the law to be void.




[ 此处有残缺 ] 如果市民娶罗马女子,拉丁女子或者与其可以通婚的异邦女子为妻; 由于通婚导致子女随父亲的身份,因而,他们不仅将变为罗马市民,而且也将处于父亲的支配权下。


Roman citizens are understood to have contracted marriage according to the Civil Law and to have the children begotten by them in their power if they marry Roman citizens, or even Latins or foreigners whom they have the right to marry; for the result of legal marriage is that the children follow the condition of the father and not only are Roman citizens by birth, but also become subject to paternal authority.

补充部分:“罗马市民可以根据市民法缔结婚姻,假如 他们娶罗马女子,拉丁女子或者与其可以通婚的异邦女子为妻,则可以对她们所生的孩子享有夫权,”

G.1.57 ( a )


Marriage, however, cannot take place with persons of servile condition.




此外,如果一个罗马市民误认自己是拉丁人,因此娶了拉丁人为妻,允许他在生了儿子之后证明自己所犯的错误,就像他根据《艾里亚和森迪亚法》娶了妻子一样。同样,那些本来是罗马人,但自认为是异邦人并且娶了异邦女子为妻的人,根据元老院决议,可以在生了儿子之后,证明自己所犯的错误;这样做将使其妻子变为罗马市民,其儿子 [ ……此处有残缺 ] 不仅将取得罗马市民籍,而且也将处于父亲的支配权之下。


Moreover, a Roman citizen who thinks that he is a Latin, and for this reason marries a Latin woman, will be permitted to prove the cause of his error in case of the birth of a son, just as if he had married his wife under the provisions of the Lex ?lia Sentia . Likewise, those who being Roman citizens think that they are foreigners and marry foreign women, are permitted by the Decree of the Senate, on the birth of a son, to prove the cause of their error; and this having been done, the wife becomes a Roman citizen, and the son not only obtains to Roman citizenship but also is brought under the authority of his father.




至于所需加以证明的错误,同儿子的年龄无关 [ ……此处缺 2 行 ] ,如果儿子或者女儿不满 1 岁,则不能进行这种证明。 [ ……此处缺 5 行 ]


And, so far as proving the cause of the error is concerned, as nothing with reference to this was provided by the Decree of the Senate, it makes no difference how old the son or daughter may be unless he or she should be a Latin; because it was also declared by the Lex ?lia Sentia that in this case if the son or daughter is less than a year old the cause cannot be proved. It has not escaped my observation that it was stated in a rescript of the Divine Hadrian, with reference to the proof of the cause of the error, that the child must be a year old, but the right did not seem to be of general application, as the Emperor issued the rescript under peculiar circumstances.

补充部分:对于原因错误的证明,元老院决议没有做出什么规定。儿子或女儿多大和原因错误的证明没有什么关系,除非他们是拉丁人;因为 《艾里亚和森迪亚法》规定,如果儿子或者女儿不满 1 岁,则不能进行这种证明。这也在我的考察范围内,神圣的哈德良皇帝在批复中说道,对于原因错误的证明,孩子必须到 1 岁,但这样的权利似乎并没有被广泛适用,因为皇帝是在特殊的情况下做出批复。



我们前面谈到,由于一个女罗马市民和一个异邦人生下的子女是异邦人,这是由《米尼奇法》规定的, [ ……此处缺 1 行 ] 。该法律另一面规定,如果一个罗马市民娶一个与之不能通婚的异邦女子为妻,产生于这种结合的子女是异邦人。然而,在前一种中,《米尼奇法》尤其必要,实际上如果取消了这项法律,应取得的身份将是不同的,因为根据万民法,相互间无通婚权的人所生的子女随母亲的身份。该法律关于罗马市民与异邦女子结婚所生子女是异邦人的规定,看起来是多余的,因为,即便取消了该法律,根据万民法,情况也将如此。


What we have stated, however, with reference to a female Roman citizen marrying a foreigner, and their issue being an alien, is derived from the Lex Minicia , by which it is provided that where a child is born of an unequal marriage it follows the condition of the parent of inferior rank. On the other hand, it is provided by the same law that if a Roman citizen should marry a foreign woman with whom the right of legal marriage did not exist, the child born of this union will be a foreigner. The Lex Minicia was not especially necessary in a case of this kind, for, without this law, the child would have followed the condition of its mother, as this is the rule by the Law of Nations, among those between whom the right of civil marriage does not exist. This provision of the law which directs that the issue of a Roman citizen and a foreign woman shall be a foreigner seems to be superfluous, for even without this law this would be the case under the Law of Nations. Moreover, to such an extent does this rule apply that the issue of the marriage between a Roman citizen and a Latin woman follows the condition of its mother, for in the Lex Minicia not only are alien nations and peoples designated as "foreigners," but also those who are called Latins; and it also refers to other Latins who had their own peoples and states, and were included under the head of foreigners.




[ ……此处缺 6 行 ]

Moreover, to such an extent does this rule apply that the issue of the marriage between a Roman citizen and a Latin woman follows the condition of its mother, for in the Lex Minicia not only are alien nations and peoples designated as "foreigners," but also those who are called Latins; and it also refers to other Latins who had their own peoples and states, and were included under the head of foreigners.





同样根据 [ ……此处有残缺 ] 法律 ,由一个女奴和一个自由人所生的子女也可以是自由人。实际上该法律规定,如果某人与误认为是自由人的他人女奴结合所生的男孩是自由人,所生的女孩则归女奴的主人所有。但是维斯帕西安皇帝感到这种规定不恰当,重新确立了万民法规则,使得在任何情况下,即便生的是男孩,子女均是母亲主人的奴隶。


Likewise, by another law , children born of a female slave and a freeman could be born free; for it is provided by the said law that if anyone should have sexual intercourse with a female slave belonging to another and whom he believed to be free, and any male children should be born, they will be free; but any female children would be the property of him to whom their mother, the female slave, belonged. In this case, however, the Divine Vespasian, influenced by the impropriety of the law, restored the rule of the Law of Nations, so that, in every instance, even if female children should be born, they will become the slaves of the person who owned their mother.




[ ……此处有残缺 ] 拉丁权有大的和小的。当被选为城市元老院议员或者当人其他荣誉职务或官职的人也取得罗马市民籍时,拉丁权是大的;当只有担任官职或者某一荣誉职务的人才取得罗马市民籍时,拉丁权是小的。在君主的许多书信中有这样的说明。


This right has been granted to certain foreign States, either by the Roman people, or by the Senate, or by the Emperor. The right of Latinity is either greater or less. Greater Latinity is that of those who are elected decurions or administer any honorable office or magistracy, and by this means obtain Roman citizenship. The lesser right of Latinity is where only those who administer the office of magistrate or any other honorable employment attain to Roman citizenship; and this difference is referred to in many Imperial rescripts.




实行这种信托买卖婚一度也曾经是为了立遗嘱;当时除某些人外,妇女实际上不拥有立遗嘱的权利,除非他们在实行买卖婚后又被退卖并且被解放。但是,元老院根据哈德良皇帝的倡议取消了施行这种买卖婚的必要性。 [ ……此处有残缺 ]


Formerly a fiduciary coemption took place for the purpose of acquiring power to make a will, for women, with some exceptions, did not then have testamentary capacity unless they had made fictitious sales of this kind, and after having been resold, were manumitted; but the Senate, at the suggestion of the Divine Hadrian, abolished this necessity of making a fictitious sale.




[ ……此处有残缺 ] 妇女以信托的名义与自己丈夫实行买卖婚,尽管如此,仍处于女儿的地位。因为妻子无论何种原因而处于夫权之下,均被认为获得女儿的权利。


Even if the woman makes a fiduciary sale of herself to her husband, she nevertheless occupies the place of his daughter; for if a wife comes into the hand of her husband for any reason whatsoever, it has been decided that she enjoys the rights of a daughter.




这一规则同样适用于那些处于夫权之下的人; [ ……此处缺 5 行 ]


The same rule of law applies to those persons who are in the hand of others, and they can be mancipated in the same way by those to whom they have been sold, just as children may be mancipated by their father; and while she who is married to the purchaser may only occupy the place of his daughter; still, though she may not be married to him, nor occupy the place of his daughter, she can still be mancipated by him.




之所以使用铜和秤是因为,过去曾一度只使用铜币,它们是阿斯、杜布丁、二分之一阿斯、三分之一阿斯,当时尚未使用金币和银币,我们可以从《十二表法》中了解到这一点。这些铜币的价值和能量不在于它们的数量,而在于它们的重量 [ ……此处有残缺 ] 阿斯是一磅,杜布丁是两磅 [ ……此处有残缺 ] ; 因而杜布丁也被叫作两个重量,这个名词一直使用至今。二分之一阿斯和三分之一阿斯也是按照重量确定的,显然是按份额计算 [ ……此处有残缺 ] 当时付钱的人不是数它,而是去称它。因而,被允许经管钱财的奴隶被叫做过秤者。


A piece of brass and a balance are employed for the reason that in former times only brazen money was in circulation, and this consisted of asses, double asses, half asses, and quarter asses; nor was any gold or silver coin in circulation, as we learn by the Law of the Twelve Tables. The value of the purchasing power of these coins was not estimated by their number, but by their weight; hence an as consisted of a pound of bronze, a double as of two pounds (whence it derived its name, which is still retained), while the half-asses and quarter-asses were estimated by their respective parts of a pound. Therefore, in former times, those who paid out money to anyone did not count it but weighed it, and the slaves who were permitted to disburse money were called "weighers."

补充部分:英文版认为第一处和第三处不存在残缺,第二处残缺的内容与中文翻译略有不同,“ 二分之一阿斯和三分之一阿斯也是按照重量确定的,显然是按它们在一磅中所占的份额计算”



[ ……此处有残缺 ] 作为财产被买卖的男人和女人被置于类似奴隶的地位,甚至于,他们不能从对其拥有财产权的人那里获得遗产和遗赠,除非在同一遗嘱中他们被宣布解放,就像那种适用于奴隶的规则一样。但是,区别的根据是明显的,他们被尊亲属和买主采用买卖奴隶时所使用的同样词句置于财产权下;相反,在买卖婚中就不这样做。


If anyone should ask what is the difference between coemption and mancipation, the reply is that the first ceremony does not reduce the party to a servile condition; but persons of either sex mancipated by parents or others are reduced to the condition of slaves, to such an extent that they cannot take either an estate or a legacy under the will of the party by whom they have been mancipated, unless they have been ordered to be free by the terms of the same will; just as the law is with reference to the persons of slaves. The reason for this distinction is clear, as the words used by parents and so-called purchasers are the same as those employed in the mancipation of slaves, but in the coemption of women this is not the case.




此外,子女通过脱离父权不再处于尊亲属的支配权下。但是,为了摆脱尊亲属的支配权,儿子需要经过三次要式买卖,其他卑亲属,无论男性还是女性,则只需经过一次。实际上《十二表法》只是针对儿子谈到三次要式买卖,它写道:“如果父亲出卖儿子三次,儿子则摆脱父亲而自由”。具体的过程是这样的:父亲将儿子卖给他人;后者采用诉请解放的方式将其解放;此后儿子又重新处于父权下;父亲再次将儿子卖给同一人或者其他人,后者同样采用诉请解放的方式将其解放;随后又回到父权之下;父亲第三次将儿子卖给同一人或者其他人,这次的要式买卖使儿子摆脱父权,尽管他还没有被解放,甚至仍然属于他人的财产。 [ ……此处缺 5 行 ]


Again, children cease to be under parental authority by means of mancipation. A son, however, by three mancipations, and other children either of the male or female sex by a single mancipation, are released from parental authority; for the Law of the Twelve Tables only mentions three mancipations with reference to a son, as follows: "If a father sells his son three times, let him be free from the control of his father." This ceremony takes place in the following manner. The father sells his son to a third party, and the latter manumits him by the wand of the pr?tor, and by doing so, he is restored to the control of his father; and the latter then sells him a second time, either to the same person or to another (but it is customary to sell him to the same person); and he again manumits him in the same way, and by this act the son is again placed in the power of his father; and the father then sells him a third time, either to the same person or to another (it is customary, however, for him to be sold to the same person), and by virtue of this sale he ceases to be under the control of his father, even though he has not yet been manumitted, but still remains in the condition of one who has been sold.




然而我们应当指出,对儿子及其孙子拥有支配权的人有权决定使其儿子摆脱自己的支配权,而使孙子仍处于支配权下;或者让儿子继续处于自己的支配权下,将孙子予以解放;或者使他们都成为自权人。至于重孙子,我们认为同样如此。 [ ……此处有残缺 ]


It should, however, be noted that one who has a son, and by him a grandson under his control, has full power to release his son from his control, and still to retain authority over his grandson; or, on the other hand, he has the right to manumit his grandson, or to render both parties their own masters. We understand that this rule also applies to great-grandsons.




[ ……此处缺 2 行 ] 其中实行两次解放,就像父亲使儿子脱离支配权成为自权人那样。然后,或者将儿子退卖给父亲,收养人在裁判官面前要求从父亲那获得该儿子,在父亲不提出异议的情况下,裁判官将儿子判给请求人;或者不讲儿子退卖给 付清 ,收养人向第三次要式买卖中的买主要求获得该儿子。当然,最好是将儿子退卖给父亲。至于其他卑亲属,无论是男性还是女性,显然一次要式买卖就够了,然后将其退卖给尊亲属或者不将其退卖。通常人们也在行省并且在行省总督面前实行同样的活动。


Again, parents also lose their authority over their children by giving them in adoption. Where a son is given in adoption, three sales are required, and two intervening manumissions must take place,as is customary when the father releases a son from his authority, in order that he may become his own master. Then, the son is either resold to the father and he who adopts him claims him as his son before the pr?tor; and, if his natural father does not claim him, he is given by the pr?tor to the party who claims him by adoption; or, if he is not sold again to his father, he who adopts him claims him from him to whom he was sold for the third time. It is, however, more convenient for him to be resold to his natural father. In the case of other offspring of either sex, one sale is sufficient, whether a resale is made to the natural father or not. The same ceremony ordinarily takes place in the provinces, in the presence of the governor.




[ ……此处缺 2 行 ] 实际上正如我们前面说过的,对于儿子 [ ……此处有残缺 ] ,实行三次要式买卖,对于孙子,则实行一次要式买卖。


We understand that the same rule applies to the case of a grandson who has been mancipated once, as it does to that of a son who has been mancipated three times, for, as we stated above, what three sales accomplished with reference to a son, one accomplishes in the case of a grandson.

补充部分: “同样的规则适用于曾孙被出卖一次的情形,如同家子被三次出卖”



[ ……此处缺 9 行 ]


A woman placed in the hand of her husband by confarreation is not, for this reason, at present, released from paternal authority unless the ceremony of coemption has been performed; for it is provided by the Lex Asinia Antistia enacted during the Consulate of Cornelius Maximus and Tubero, with reference to priestesses of Jupiter being in the hand of their husbands as far as relates to the sacred rites; but in all other respects they are considered as not being under such restraint. Where, however, women are placed in the hand of their husbands by coemption, they are released from parental control; and it makes no difference whether they are placed in the hand of their husbands, or in that of strangers; although those alone are considered to occupy the place of daughters who are placed in the hand of their husbands.

补充部分:“一个因为祭祀婚而处于夫权之下的妇女,并非立即从家父权中解脱出来,除非已经履行了买卖婚的仪式;这是由颁布于科尔尼努斯·马克西姆斯和图别罗皇帝执政时期颁布的《阿辛尼亚 安提西亚法》规定的。朱庇特女祭司是因为神圣的仪式而处于夫权之下,但实际上,无论从哪个方面上看,她们都不存在这样的束缚。然而,因为无论她们买主是丈夫或者是家外人,妇女都因为买卖婚而从父权的控制下解脱;虽然处于夫权之下的人,仅仅被认为处于女儿的位置。”



[ ……此处缺 3 行 ] 通过一次要式买卖摆脱父权,而且,如果她在这次要式买卖后被加以解放,则变为自权人。

Women placed in the hand of their husbands by coemption cease to be subject to this authority in the same way as daughters under the control of their father; that is to say, either by the death of him in whose power they are, or because he has been interdicted from water and fire.




[ ……此处缺 4 行 ] 女儿不得以任何方式强迫父亲将其出卖,即使她是养女。然而,妇女在要求离婚后可以强迫丈夫这样做,就像从来没做过其妻子一样。

They also cease to be in the hand of their husbands by remancipation; and if emancipated after a single sale they become their own mistresses. A woman who has concluded a coemption with a stranger by way of trust, can compel him to sell her again to anyone whom she may select; but one who has been sold to her husband, in whose hand she is, cannot compel him to do so, any more than a daughter can compel her father, even though she may be an adopted daughter. A woman, however, can, by serving notice of repudiation, force her husband to release her, just as if she had never been married.




当某人同时丧失市民籍和自由权时,人格减等是最大的;它发生在那些未登记者身上,他们根据有关登记的法规被下令出卖; [ ……此处缺 2 行 ] 那些不顾奴隶主人的愿意和告诫而同他人奴隶结合的妇女,根据《克劳迪元老院决议 . 》将变为该奴隶主人的女奴。


The greatest loss of civil rights occurs when anyone forfeits at the same time both his citizenship and his freedom, which happens to those who are not inscribed on the register of the census, and are in consequence ordered to be sold; which rule has for some time been abolished by disuse. Under the terms of the Lex ?lia Sentia, dediticii are liable to the same penalty for violation of its provisions.if they have established their domicile in the City of Rome . It also takes place where, under the Claudian Decree of the Senate, free women become the slaves of the owners of other slaves with whom they have cohabited against the consent and protest of their masters.

补充部分:“这一规则因为无人使用而取消。在《 艾里亚和森迪亚法》 中,假如归降人在罗马城定居,将因为违反规定而收到同样的处罚,这种结果也在以下的情况中发生”



[ ……此处缺 25 行 ]


After having been released from guardianship, the affairs of a minor are administered by a curator until he reaches the age when he is qualified to transact his own business; and this rule is observed among foreign nations, as we have stated above.





[ ……此处有残缺 ] 物有些是要式的,有些是略式的。 [ ……此处缺 5 行 ] 城市土地的地役权是略式物。


Things are either susceptible, or not susceptible of mancipation by sale. Those susceptible of sale by mancipation are lands and houses in Italy, slaves, domestic animals and rustic servitudes; but servitudes attached to urban estates are not thus subject to sale.



同样,贡赋地和纳税地是略式物。 [ ……此处缺 4 行 ] 然而,内尔瓦和普罗库勒以及对立学派的学者们认为:只有能够得到驾驭的物才是要式的;如果由于过于凶猛而不能驾驭,他们认为:当到达通常受到驾驭的年龄时,开始被视为要式物。 Likewise, estates subject to taxation and tribute are not subject to sale. According to what we have stated, cattle, horses, mules, and asses are held by some authorities to be susceptible of sale as soon as they are born; but Nerva, Proculus, and other jurists of a different school think that such animals are not subject to sale unless they have been tamed; and if this cannot be done on account of their extreme wildness, then they are considered to be salable when they reach the age at which others of the same kind are usually tamed.




In the provinces, however, no private property in land exists, nor is there any free citizenship.




[ ……此处缺 20 行 ] 意大利土地是要式物,行省土地是略式物。 [ ……此处缺 1 行 ] 。


Moreover, in this place we should note that where the property is merely attached to the soil of Italy , it is not attached to the soil of a province; for the term "attached" only applies where the property is mancipable, and land in a province is not saleable by mancipation. . . .




相反,精神病人的宗亲监护人可以依据《十二表法》转让精神病人的物品; [ ……此处有残缺 ] 债权人也可以根据简约转让质物 ,尽管该物品不是他的。然而,这似乎是表面现象,因为对质物的转让被认为符合债务人的意愿,后者曾经同意:如果债务得不到清偿 ,债权人可以出卖质物。


On the other hand, an agnate who is the curator of an insane person can, by the Law of the Twelve Tables, alienate the property of the latter; and an agent can also, as well as a creditor, alienate that of his principal, if authorized to do so under an agreement, although the property does not belong to him. This may perhaps be considered to be done for the reason that the pledge is understood to be alienated with the consent of the debtor, who previously agreed that the creditor might be permitted to sell the pledge, if the money was not paid.




不仅那些通过让渡我们所有的物品因自然原因而为我们所取得,而且 [ ……此处有残缺 ] 通过先占 [ ……此处有残缺 ] 它们先前不归任何人所有;比如所有在陆地、海洋或天空中被抓获的动物。


Property which becomes ours by delivery can be acquired by us not only by natural law but also by occupancy, and hence we become the owners of the same because it previously belonged to no one else; and in this class are included all animals which are taken on land, or in the water, or in the air.




[ ……此处缺 2 行 ] 不言而喻也是我们的,只要它们被置于我们的看管之下;然而,当它们摆脱了我们的控制并且恢复了天然的自由时,它们又可为先占者所有,因为它们不再是我们的了。当它们摆脱了我们的视线或者虽在我们视线之内但难以追踪它们时,则被认为回到了天然的自由之中。


Therefore, if we should take captive any wild animal, bird, or fish, it is understood to be ours only as long as it is in our custody; for when it escapes from our control and recovers its natural liberty, it again becomes the property of the first occupant, because it ceases to be ours. It is considered to recover its natural liberty when it escapes from our vision, or, although it may be in our sight, its pursuit is difficult.




然而,如果未成年人做了这样的事情,由于并不使他人成为 [ ……此处有残缺 ] 受让人,因而任何债也未缔结。因此,未成人可随时随地要求返还他的欠款,也就是说,主张这些钱款根据罗马法是他的 [ ……此处缺 4 行 ]


If, however, a ward should do this, as he does not transfer the money to the borrower, the latter does not contract an obligation; and therefore the ward can recover his money, provided it is in existence; that is to say he can claim it as his under quiritarian right, but a woman can only recover the money by an action for debt. Hence the question arises whether the ward who lent the money can, in any action whatever recover it from the person who borrowed it if it has been expended, as recovery must be had for a party in possession.

补充部分:第一处残缺的内容是“因为他没有移转这些钱给借款人”; 第二处残缺的内容是“但妇女仅仅能够通过债务之诉收回钱款。因此,问题在于,如果借出钱款已经被花费,是否把钱借出的未成年人可以通过任意的诉讼从借款人收回,如同从占有的人手中收回一样”



[ ……此处有残缺 ] 根据哈德良皇帝的批准而制定的一项元老院决议允许 [ ……此处有残缺 ] 妇女在不实行买卖婚的情况下立遗嘱,只要它们不小于 12 岁,显然,那些未摆脱监护人的妇女必须根据监护人的准可立遗嘱。


A Decree of the Senate was enacted at the instance of the Divine Hadrian, by which women were permitted to make a will even without the ceremony of coemption; provided, however, they were not under twelve years of age; and if they were not released from guardianship, they were required to execute their wills with the consent of their guardians.




[ ……此处缺 5 行 ]


For the pr?tor requires all descendants of the male sex that is to say sons, grandsons, and great-grandsons, to be disinherited by name; but he considers it sufficient if descendants of the female sex, that is to say, daughters, granddaughters, and great-granddaughters, are either disinherited by name, or among others.




这样的儿子不处于父权之下:他同父亲一起获得罗马市民籍。而父亲在接受罗马市民籍未要求对其行使支配权,或者虽然提出此要求但尚未获得准许, [ ……此处缺 2 行 ]


Children who have been granted Roman citizenship along with their father, are not subject to his authority, if at the time citizenship was granted or afterwards, the father did not petition to retain them under his control — and the rule is the same if he did petition but did not succeed — for children who are placed under the control of their father by the Emperor differ in no respect from those who are subject to his authority from their birth.




[ ……此处缺 4 行 ]


Pr?torian possessors of an estate are not excluded under the provisions of the Lex Julia , by which estates which have no heirs are ordered to escheat to the government, if the deceased left no successor of any kind.




[ ……此处缺 6 行 ]


What then should be done? If anyone demands pr?torian possession of an estate on the ground of intestacy, and he who is appointed by the will claims it, the latter may, in this instance, be excluded by an exception on the ground of fraud, provided it is proved to have been the intention of the testator that the estate should go to those entitled to the same as heirs-at-law; and this rule is set forth in a rescript of the Emperor Antoninus.




[ ……此处缺 2 行 ]


Hence a bequest may be left under a trust, to be discharged by the heir of the heir, while a bequest of this kind made in any other way in the beginning of a will is inoperative.





[ ……此处缺 33 行 ]


In granting possession of an estate, the Pr?tor also takes cognizance of several other degrees, and he does this in order that no one may die without leaving a successor. We purposely do not treat of this matter in these Commentaries, as we have discussed this entire right in other Commentaries specially devoted to the subject.




至于女解放自由人的遗产,庇主在早期法中未收到任何损害。实际上,当她们处于庇主的法定监护之下时,她们当然只能经庇主的准可才能立遗嘱 [ ……此处缺 8 行 ]


By the ancient law, patrons suffered no injury so far as the estate of freedwomen were concerned; for, as the latter were under the legal guardianship of their patron, they could not make a will without the consent of their patron; and, therefore, if he agreed to the execution of the will, he would either be appointed the heir, or if he was not, it was his own fault; for, if he did not consent to the will being made and the freedwoman should die intestate, he would obtain her property, because a woman cannot have proper heirs; and formerly no other heir could exclude a patron from the estate of his freedwoman.




但后来,《巴比法》使女解放自由人因生四个子女而有权摆脱庇主的监护,并且也允许她们在未经监护人准可的情况下立遗嘱,该法规定,根据女解放自由人死亡时所拥有的子女数,庇主应获得一人份额的遗产。 [ ……此处缺 3 行 ]


Afterwards, however, by the Lex Papia , the birth of four children released the freedwoman from the guardianship of her patron; and, for this reason, she was permitted to make a will without the consent of her guardian; and the law provided that a share equal to that of each of the children whom the freedwoman had at the time of her death, should be due to her patron. Therefore, if a freedwoman left four children and no more, a fifth part of her estate — if she died before they did — belonged to her patron, and if any of her children died before her, the share of the patron would be proportionally greater; and if all of them died, her entire estate would pass to him at her death.




至于庇主的女儿、孙女和重孙女,一度她们曾拥有《十二表法》为庇主所规定的那种权利, [ ……此处缺 2 行 ] 如果她们要求实行违反遗嘱的遗产占有或者针对养子、妻子、或者曾处于夫权下的儿媳妇在无遗嘱的情况下要求实行遗产占有,将根据《巴比法》因生三个子女而获得的权利实现占有;否则,不能实现遗嘱占有。英译文:

The daughter of a patron, a granddaughter by a son, and a great-granddaughter by a grandson, were entitled to the same rights as the patron, under the Law of the Twelve Tables. Children of the male sex, however, are only called by the Edict to the succession, but the daughter of a patron can demand the possession of half the property of the estate of a f reedman contrary to the provisions of the will; or in case of intestacy, against an adoptive son, or wife or daughter-in-law who was in the hand of the deceased; and this was conceded by the Lex Papia on account of the woman having three children, otherwise the daughter would not have this right.




[ ……此处缺 5 行 ]


Again, debts due to, or by the party from whom property is obtained, are not owed to, or by the pr?torian possessor, or the purchaser of the property of the debtor; but can be collected by means of equitable actions, which we will explain in a subsequent Commentary.

补充部分:“ 而且,债务要么属于占有财产但没有取得所有权的人,要么属于依裁判官法的遗产占有者,或者是债务人的财产买主,但可以通过扩用诉讼收回,对此,我们将在以下的评论中解释。”



[ ……此处缺 13 行 ]


.... a debtor, by the order of his wife, provided her guardian consents, may make a statement of the amount of dowry which he owes. Another, however, cannot be bound in this way, and therefore if any other person promises a dowry to the husband in behalf of his wife, he will be liable under the common law, provided the husband had previously stipulated.




人们只讲了一种 [ ……此处缺 3 行 ] 只有根据这种原因才允许人们通过宣誓缔结债。人们不能根据其他原因通过宣誓缔结债,至少在罗马市民法问题上是这样。至于异邦人的法是怎么规定的,在一些城邦的法中我们可以看到不同的规定 [ ……此处有残缺 ] 。


An obligation is likewise contracted by one of the parties speaking and promising the other without being interrogated; as where a freedman swears that he will give a present, or perform some labor or service for the benefit of his patron; and this is the sole instance in which an obligation is contracted by oath, for in no other are men rendered liable on account of having been sworn, as will be apparent if the Roman law is examined; although if we ascertain what the law is among aliens by searching the records of other states we might come to a different conclusion.




[ ……此处缺 3 行 ]


The case is different where, for instance, I stipulate as follows: "Do you solemnly agree to pay my slave or my son who is under my control?" for then it is settled that the entire amount is due, and that I can collect it from the promisor and the result is the same when I only stipulate for payment to my son who is under my control.




我们通常在以下情况中接受应保人、承担人和担保人,即:当我们特别关心受到较好保证时;我们使用副缔约人则几乎只是在我们死后实行给付的要式口约之时。 [ ……此处有残缺 ] 在缔结要式口约时,我们不采取任何行动, 而是使用副缔约人,以便在我们死后由他采取行动:如果他取得了某物,通过关于委托的审判让其向继承人返还。


We often accept sponsors, guarantors, and sureties, when we desire to be provided with additional security; and we rarely make use of a joint stipulator, except when we stipulate that something shall be paid after our death. If we make such a stipulation ourselves, our act is void, and hence the joint stipulator is employed so that he may bring suit after our death; but if he should recover anything, he will be liable by an action of mandate to deliver it to our heir.





[ ……此处缺 12 行 ] 他们来要求得到审判员;当他们再来时,审判员被指定。审判员在第三十天被指定,这是《皮那利法》的规定;在该法颁布之前,曾经是立即指定审判员。我们从上面得知:如果诉讼的标的低于 1000 阿斯,誓金是 50 而不是 500 。一旦指定了审判员,则宣布随后第三天向该审判员出庭。然后来到审判员面前,在审理案件之前他们通常先简要地介绍案情;这被叫做案情概述,就像是对案件的扼要介绍。


Moreover, when all these actions were brought to enforce an obligation, the parties, having furnished sureties, agreed to again appear for the appointment of a judge; and having returned after thirty days, the judge was appointed in accordance with the Lex Pinaria ; while before this law was enacted he was appointed immediately. We understand from what has been already stated, that if the property in dispute was worth less than a thousand asses, the amount deposited was usually only fifty, and not five hundred. Then, after the judge had been appointed, the parties gave notice to one another to appear before him on the third day following. Finally, when they came into court, and before the case was argued, it was customary to state it briefly, and in a concise manner; which was called the presentation of the case, which was, as it were, a mere summary of the same.




[ ……此处缺 1 行 ] 在第三十天,他们应当前来接受审判。


. . . .For they observed the same time and the same manner in appointing a judge, and agreed upon a day when they would be ready to receive the judge, for to "agree upon" meant originally "to notify".




我们在某些程式中还有其他种类的拟制,比如:当某人根据告示要求遗产占有时,他可以把自己虚拟为继承人提起诉讼。当他根据裁判官法而不是法律接替死者的位置时,他没有直接的诉权,他不能针对死症曾经拥有过的东西要求说:“是他的”,他也不能针对曾应给予死者的东西说“应给予他”;因而人们把自己虚拟为继承人提出要求,比如说道:“某人是审判员。假如 A ·阿杰里是 L ·提兹的继承人,因而诉讼所针对的土地根据罗马法应该是他的”; [ ……此处有残缺 ] 在提出类似的继承虚拟后,人们补充说:“因而 N ·内基迪显然应当给 A ·阿杰里一万赛斯特兹”。


We make use of other fictions in certain formulas, for instance, when a party who claims possession of the property of an estate brings an action as a fictitious heir; for as he succeeds to the deceased by the pr?torian, and not by the Civil Law, he is not entitled to a direct action, and cannot allege that what belongs to the deceased is his; nor can he demand that what was due to the latter should be paid to him; and therefore, under the fiction that he is the heir, he asserts his claim as follows: "Let So-and-So be judge. If Aulus Agerius" (that is to say, the plaintiff, himself) "should be the heir of Lucius Titius, and it is found that the land in question ought to belong to him by quiritarian right;" or if, in the case of a debt, a similar fiction having been employed by the party, as heir, there is added: "If it should appear that Numerius Negidius should pay to Aulus Agerius ten thousand sesterces."




在请求原因这一程式中, [ ……此处有残缺 ] 列举请求所针对的事实。比如这样的程式:“被诉的事实是: A ·阿杰里卖给 N ·内基迪一个奴隶”;或者“被诉的事实是: A ·阿杰里把一个奴隶寄托在 N ·内基迪”


The Demonstratio is that part of the Formula which designates the ground on which the case is brought, that is to say, the following part of the same: "For the reason that Aulus Agerius sold a slave to Numerius Negidius"; or "For the reason that Aulus Agerius left a slave in the keeping of Numerius Negidius".




审判员应当注意:当所要求的判罚数额是确定的时,既不要高于也不要低于所要求的数额判罚,否则他将陷入争诉。同样,如果提出了判罚限度,则要主意不要超越此限度判罚,否则同样会陷入争诉。然而允许低于该判罚。 [ ……此处缺 5 行 ]


What then is the rule? If the judge decides against the defendant, he must require him to pay a certain sum of money even though no specified amount may have been mentioned in the judgment. The judge should also be careful that, when a certain sum is stated in the judgment, not to require the defendant to pay a larger or a smaller amount, otherwise he makes the case his own. Again, if a limiting clause was inserted, he must take care not to condemn the defendant in a larger amount than is mentioned in said clause, otherwise, he will, in like manner, make the case his own; he is, however, permitted to render a judgment against him for a smaller sum; and even if there should be no limiting clause, he can condemn him in any amount that he may wish.




如果某人在原告请求中提出过分的要求,他将输掉诉讼,也就是将败诉,裁判官也不能使他恢复原状,除非在某些情况下 [ ……此处缺 2 行 ]


If anyone claims more than he is entitled to he will lose his case, that is to say, he will lose his property, and he cannot obtain complete restitution through the Pr?tor; except in certain instances in which the Pr?tor does not permit all plaintiffs to suffer loss on account of their own errors; for he always comes to the relief of minors under the age of twenty-five years, as in other cases.

补充部分:“除非在否些情况中,裁判官不允许原告因他们的过错而承担损失;因为对于 25 岁以下的未成年人,如同在其他案件中,他总是对他们予以宽恕。”



地点过分的 要求如:某人被答应在某一地点执行给付,却要求在另一地点给付,而且不提及前一地点,比如:某人与人达成要约说:“你同意在埃菲斯给付?”然后他在罗马又单纯地要求:“应当获得给付” [ ……此处缺 2 行 ]


He demands more in place, for instance, where payment is promised in a certain place, and he demands that it be made somewhere else, which was not mentioned in the contract; for example, if I stipulate with you as follows: "Do you solemnly agree to pay me ten thousand sesterces at Ephesus?" and afterwards bring suit at Rome under the formula, "If it appears by the stipulation that you are obliged to pay me ten thousand sesterces," I am understood to claim more than I am entitled to, for the reason that in this way I subject the promisor to more inconvenience than he would suffer if he paid at Ephesus. I can still absolutely demand payment at Ephesus , for this is not an additional place.




[ ……此处缺 24 行 ] 这意味着:考虑到原告也应根据同一原因实行给付,因而对被诉人判罚给付余额。


Set-offs frequently take place in such a way that each party receives less than he would otherwise be entitled to. For, as in bona fide actions, the judge is considered to have full power to estimate how much should justly and properly be paid to the plaintiff; on the other hand, he also has authority to determine how much the plaintiff should pay in the same case, and to render judgment against the defendant for the remainder.




在针对钱庄主的抵消和针对财物买主的扣除之间,存在着这样的区别:计入抵消的只能是同种类和同性质的东西,比如:用钱款抵消钱款,用小麦抵消小麦,用葡萄酒抵销葡萄酒。甚至有些人认为:并非在任何情况下均可用葡萄酒抵销葡萄酒、用小麦抵销小麦,而只有当他们具有同样的性质和质量时才行。计入扣除的也可以是不同种类的东西。因而 [ ……此处有残缺 ] 如果财务买主要求的是钱款并且他所欠的是小麦或者葡萄酒,在扣除相应的价值之后,可就余额提出要求。


Between the set-off which is made against the claim of the banker, and the deduction to be taken from the claim of the purchaser of a bankrupt estate, there is this difference, namely: that property of the same kind and nature is only included in the set-off; as for instance, money is set-off against money; wheat against wheat; wine against wine; and it is even held by some authorities that wine cannot be set off against wine, or wheat against wheat, unless it is of the same nature and quality. In making the deduction, however, property is included which is not of the same kind. Hence, if the purchaser of the estate of a bankrupt brings an action for money due the latter, and he himself owes a certain quantity of grain or wine, after it has been deducted, suit shall be brought only for the remainder, whatever it may be.




[ ……此处缺 2 行 ] 至于那些处于夫权或者财产权之下的人 [ ……此处有残缺 ] ,规定是这样的:当根据契约对他们提起诉讼时,如果对其拥有权利的人没有连带地为他们辩护,他们在不属于该人权力的情况下本应获得的财产将被拍卖掉 [ ……此处缺 24 行 ]


So much with reference to those persons who are under the control of their fathers and masters whether the controversy relates to their contracts, or their crimes. But with reference to such persons as are in hand, or are liable to mancipation, the law is said to be that when an action founded on contract is brought against them, unless they are defended against the entire amount by the party to whose authority they are subject, any property which would be theirs, if they had not been under control, shall be sold. When, however, their forfeiture of civil rights having been rescinded, an action based on the judicial power of the magistrate is brought against them and is not defended, the woman herself can be sued, while she is in the hand of her husband, because, in this instance the authority of the guardian is not necessary. . . . [1]




怎么办呢? [ ……此处缺 2 行 ] 即使某人交出的人不幸死亡,他同样得到解脱。


What course then should be pursued? Although we stated that it was not permitted to surrender dead persons by way of reparation for the commission of a wrongful act; still, if anyone should surrender the body of such a person who had died, he will (be) legally released from liability.




然而有时候 [ ……此处有残缺 ] 法定权利同样如此,比如那些被赋予遗产占有者或者其他具有继承人地位的人的诉权。还有现行盗窃之诉,尽管它产生于裁判官的司法管辖权,但它被永久地赋予;当设立罚金刑取代极刑时,也应当这样看。


Sometimes, however, he also grants such actions in perpetuity, as, for instance, those in which the Civil Law is imitated; such as the actions which he grants to the pr?torian possessors of estates, and to other persons who occupy the place of an heir. The action of manifest theft, although it is derived from the jurisdiction of the Pr?tor himself, is granted without limitation of time, and this is reasonable, as a pecuniary penalty has been established instead of a capital one.




最后我们谈谈这样一种情况:如果被提起诉讼的人在案件判决之前并且在接受审判之后向原告清偿,审判员是应当将其开释呢,还是应当鉴于该人在接受审判时已处于应被判罚地境遇而对其判罚、我们的老师认为应当将其开释而且审判属于怎样的种类无关紧要。人们普遍传说:在萨宾和卡西看来,所有地审判都时可开释的 [ ……此处有残缺 ] 对于诚信审判也持同样的观点,因为在这些审判中审判员地职责不受限制。对于对物之诉,人们也这样认为,因为在程式地词句中对此做出表述。 [ ……此处缺 16 行 ]


It remains for us to consider whether, if the party against whom the action was brought before judgment had been rendered but after issue had been joined, should satisfy the plaintiff, what course the judge should pursue; whether he has authority to discharge him from liability, or whether he should rather decide against him for the reason that at the time of the joinder of issue he was in such a position that he should have been condemned. Our preceptors think that he should be discharged, and that it makes no difference what kind of a judgment is rendered; and this is the reason why it is commonly said that it was the opinion of Sabinus and Cassius that a discharge from liability could be granted in all actions. The authorities of the other school agree in this point with reference to bona fide actions; because in cases of this kind no restraint is placed upon the judge; and their opinion is the same with reference to real actions, for the reason that there is an express provision of this kind stated in the terms of the formula, so that if the defendant should restore the property he shall be discharged from liability. This, of course, applies where the action was brought under the formula making the claim, in which the party is sued in such a way that the property is dispute is demanded, and the words above referred to are repeated in the beginning of the condemnation; for sometimes . . . .personal actions of this kind are brought in which it is not permitted ... .





实际上经常有这样的情况:根据同一个债,有的东西已应给付,而有的东西则应在将来给,比如:我们就一笔确定地钱款达成了逐年或者逐月给付地要式口约;在几年或者几个月地期限达成后,到期地钱款应当给付而对于未来的几年,债当然仍是有效,但尚不应给付。如果我们想要求应当给付的钱款并将其纳入审判,同时又不触及产生于同一债的未来给付,我们在起诉时就必须假如这样的前书:“诉讼所针对的是那些已到期的的物”;如果我们未设置这样的前书,在我们据以要求某些不确定物的程式中,原告请求使用的是这样的词句:“如果查明 N ·内基迪显然应当向 A ·阿杰里给或者做任何事”,从而把整个债,包括未来的债,均纳入这次审判 [ ……此处缺 2 行 ]


For it is frequently the case that, under the same obligation a party is required to do something for us at present, and something more at a future time. For instance, where we have stipulated for the payment of a certain sum of money every year, or every month, and, at the end of the year or month, a sum of money is required to be paid to us for this time; and with reference to years to come, although an obligation is understood to have been contracted, the time of payment has not yet arrived. Therefore, if we desire to bring an action to recover what is now due, and to proceed to joinder of issue and leave the future discharge of the obligation unimpaired, it is necessary, when we bring suit, to make use of the following prescription: "Let the proceedings have reference only to what is at present due." Otherwise, if we bring suit without making use of this prescription, under the formula by which we sue for an uncertain amount, the statement of the claim is expressed as follows: "Whatever it appears that Numerius Negidius should transfer to, or do for Aulus Agerius," brings the entire obligation, that is to say, also what is due in the future, into court; and no matter what may be due hereafter it cannot be collected, nor can an action subsequently be brought to recover the remainder.




同样,如果我们作为买主提起诉讼,要求以要式买卖的方式向我们给付一块土地,我们应当设置这样的前书:“诉讼所涉及是要式买卖土地”,这样,如果我们后来希望向我们交付自由占有权 [ ……此处缺 1 行 ] 由上述法律关系所产生的整个债将随着下列不特定的诉讼请求而完结,即:“如果查明 N ·内基迪显然应当向 A ·阿杰里给或者做任何事”,因而,如果我们后来想就交付自由占有权问题提起诉讼,将不剩下任何诉权。


Likewise, where for example, we bring an action on purchase, in order that land may be conveyed to us by sale, we must state the prescription as follows: "Let the proceedings only have reference to the sale of the land"; and, afterwards, if we desire vacant possession be delivered to us, we will be entitled to an action under the stipulation, or to one under the contract of purchase to compel its delivery. If we neglect to make use of this prescription, the obligation of our entire right embraced in the uncertain claim: "Whatever on this account Numerius Negidius. should give to, or do for Aulus Agerius," is disposed of by the statement of the claim in the former suit; so that afterwards we will not be entitled to any action to any action to compel the delivery of vacant possession, if we should desire to bring one.




[ ……此处缺 1 行 ] 奴隶通过要式口约缔结的东西当然应当向主人给付;但在前书中人们问的是事实,该事实根据其自然含义应当是真实的。


If suit is brought under a stipulation entered into by a slave, and the Intentio states to whom the amount is to be paid, that is to say, that what the slave stipulated for should be paid to his master; the allegations in the prescription should be true in accordance with their natural meaning.




在某些情况下,裁判官或者行省执政官主要是运用他们的权力处理纠纷,这尤其出现在某些人就占有或者准占有问题发生争议之时。他最终下令做某事,或者禁止做某事为此而使用的程式和采用的词句是 [ ……此处有残缺 ] 令状和命令。


The Pr?tor, or the Proconsul, interposes his authority directly in certain cases for the purpose of putting an end to controversies. This he especially does when there is a dispute between the parties with reference to possession or quasi possession; and, in short, he either orders something to be done, or forbids it to be done. Moreover, the formulas and the clauses made use of in this proceeding are styled interdicts and decrees.




[ ……此处缺 3 行 ] 他同时被允许占有,只要他以要式口约的方式向他的对手做出关于孳息的保证,这种保证的效力和作用在于:如果在占有问题宣告的判决对他不利,他应当向对手偿付这笔钱款。这种竞相出价叫孳息竞价。 [ ……此处缺 1 行 ] 。然后,一方以承诺向另一方提出挑战,即断言对方违反裁判官的告示向占有者施加暴力,并且双方各自向对方做出承诺; [ ……此处缺 4 行 ]


When a double interdict has been granted, the mesne profits are sold at auction and the highest bidder is placed in possession of the property, provided he furnishes his adversary security under the stipulation for the enjoyment of the profits; the force and effect of which is that if judgment should be rendered against him with reference to possession, he shall pay his adversary the sum provided for in the stipulation. This bidding between the parties is designated the bidding for the profits, because they contend with one another for the profits of the property during the preliminary proceedings. After this, each one of them challenges the other to deposit the forfeit to be -paid by the promisor, if he has by violence interfered with the possession of his adversary, and hence has violated the Edict of the Pr?tor; and each of them mutually bind themselves, or the two stipulations being united so that one promise is made between them, a nd also one restipulation is entered into by one party against the other, which is the more convenient way of proceeding, and therefore the one most generally in use.




[ ……此处有残缺 ] 受理案件的审判员显然是对裁判官令状提出的问题加以调查,即:他们中的哪一方在令状发布时以非暴力、非欺瞒、非临时使用的方式对土地或者房屋实行着占有。如果审判员对此进行了调查并且作出了对我有利的判决,他将按照承诺和我的反承诺所指出的数额对我的对手做出判罚,并相应地使我从承诺和反承诺中开释出来。除此之外,如果我的对手因在孳息竞价中获胜而实行着占有,当他不向我返还占有时,将通过卡谢里安审判或者返还占有之审判受到判罚。


T hen, after the necessary formulas of all the promises and restipulations have been filed by both parties, the judge before whom the case is tried must examine the point introduced by the Pr?tor in the interdict; that is to say, which of the parties was in possession of the land or the house at the time when the interdict was issued, and that he did not obtain possession of it by violence, or clandestinely, or with the permission of the adverse party. When the judge has investigated this, and has, perhaps, decided in my favor, he condemns my adversary to pay the penal sums called for by the promise and the restipulation which I made with him, and in consequence discharges me from liability for the promise and restipulation which were made with me. Further, if my adversary had possession of the property for the reason that he made the highest bid for the profits of the same, and he does not restore possession to me, he can have judgment rendered against him in the action styled Cascellian or Secutorian.




[ ……此处缺 3 行 ] 对于持否认态度地人,在某些情况下规定了双倍诉讼,比如,当因已决案、已清偿物、非法损害或者间接遗赠等问题而被诉时,在某些情况下,允许作出承诺,比如:当因借贷确定数额的钱款或者关于钱款的债务协议而被诉时;然而,在借贷确定数额的钱款的情况下,罚金 未 三分之一,在关于钱款的债务协议的情况,为二分之一。


For the purpose of avoiding vexatious litigation, the parties are sometimes deterred by pecuniary penalties, and sometimes by an oath which is imposed by the Pr?tor. In certain cases an action for double damages is brought against a defendant; for instance, in the collection of a judgment debt, or for money expended for a principal, or for unlawful damage to property, or where proceedings are instituted to collect legacies left by condemnation. In some instances, the deposit of a forfeit is permitted to be made, for example, in an action




如果被起诉人既不面临产生于承诺或者双倍诉讼的风险,而且诉讼最初就不具有数倍罚金的性质,裁判官允许要求做出如下宣誓:“不恶意地予以否认”。因此,即使继承人或者被视为继承人的人 [ ……此处有残缺 ] 而且女性和未成人也免于产生于承诺的风险,裁判官仍命令他(她)宣誓。


If no deposit was made as a forfeit, and the penalty of double damages was not imposed upon the party against whom the action was brought, and under it, from the beginning, no more than simple damages can be collected; the Pr?tor permits the plaintiff to require the defendant to swear that he has not made a denial for the purpose of annoyance. Hence, although the heirs and those who are considered to occupy the position of heirs, are not subject to a penalty, and women and wards are exempted from the penalty of a forfeit, the Pr?tor, nevertheless, orders them to be sworn.



(一) G.1.58


然而,并不是任何 妇女 我们都可以娶之为妻。对于某些妇女,我们应当避免与之结婚。


Nor are we permitted to marry any free woman , as we should refrain from contracting matrimony with certain ones of this class.


(二) G.1.93


“如果一个异邦人为自己和他的子女 要求 罗马市民籍……”而从英文看是“如果一个异邦人已经为自己和他的子女得到罗马市民籍。”


Where an alien has acquired Roman citizenship for himself and his children, the latter do not pass under the control of their father unless the Emperor should expressly cause them to do so; and this he only does when, after the case has been examined, he thinks that this would be advantageous to the children. He, moreover, makes a more diligent and minute investigation with reference to children who are under the age of puberty and absent; and this rule is set forth in an Edict of the Divine Hadrian.


(三) G.1.173


此外,一项元老院决议允许妇女要求得到另一个监护人,以取代 缺席 的监护人。在提出此要求后,先前的监护人终止其职务,也不考虑监护人 缺席 时间多长。


Moreover, by a Decree of the Senate, women are permitted to demand another guardian to take the place of one who is absent ; and this having been granted, the first guardian ceases to hold his office, nor does it make any difference how far he may be from home .


(四) G.2.52


另一方面也出现这样的情况:某人明知自己占有的物品是他人的而对其实行时效取得,比如某人占有 继承人尚未获得的遗产物 ;在这种情况下允许他实行失效取得,只要该物品是可时效取得的。这种占有和时效取得被称为待继承人的占有和时效取得。


Again, on the other hand, it happens that anyone who knows that the property which he possesses belongs to another can acquire it by usucaption; as, for instance where someone has possession of property belonging to an estate of which the heir who is not yet born has not obtained possession ; for he is permitted to acquire it in this manner, provided the said property is of a nature which admits of usucaption, and this kind of possession and usucaption is styled that of a person representing an heir.


(五) G.3.110




Although, as we have already stated, a party not subject to our authority cannot stipulate for us, we can associate another with us in the stipulation which we make, who also stipulates for the same thing, and who is commonly called a joint stipulator.


(六) G.3.117


我们通常在以下情况中接受应保人、承担人和担保人,即:当我们特别关心受到较好保证时;我们使用副缔约人则几乎只是在我们死后实行给付的要式口约之时。 [ ……此处有残缺 ] 在缔结要式口约时, 我们不采取任何行动 ,而是使用副缔约人,以便在我们死后由他采取行动:如果他取得了某物,通过关于委托的审判让其向继承人返还。


We often accept sponsors, guarantors, and sureties, when we desire to be provided with additional security; and we rarely make use of a joint stipulator, except when we stipulate that something shall be paid after our death. If we make such a stipulation ourselves, our act is void , and hence the joint stipulator is employed so that he may bring suit after our death; but if he should recover anything, he will be liable by an action of mandate to deliver it to our heir.

补充部分:“除非我们以要式口约的方式约定某个东西将在我死之后被清偿。假如我们订立了这样一个要式口约, 我们的行为是无效的 ”

(七) G.3.141 中的荷马的诗


长头发的阿卡人从那里获得葡萄酒 ,





"Here landed Ach?an ships in search of wine. They purchased it with copper and with iron; With hides, with horned cattle, and with slaves."


徐国栋先生在他翻译的优士丁尼《法学阶梯》中提到,罗念生和王焕生在《伊利亚特》翻译为 “长发的阿卡沃依人从船上买到了葡萄酒”

第四、 中文版可能存在误译之处

(一) G.1.32

中译文:即便上述拉丁人在证明其一岁儿子的拉丁人身份之前去世,儿子的母亲仍然可以予以证明,而且她也将变为罗马市民,如果她曾是拉丁人 [ ……此处缺 2 行 ] 至于因其生母是罗马市民而成为罗马市民的儿子,仍然应证明其身份,以便成为其父亲的 自家继承人 。

说明:从中文版旁边所附的拉丁文看此位置的词语是 heres 它仅有继承人的意思, sui here 才是自家继承人 [ii] ,在英文版中 S. P. SCOTT 也只译为 heirs ,而不是 proper heirs (自家继承人)。

(二) G.2.80 - 85 的标题为“由妇女和未成人实行的转让和取得”( alienationes ed adquisitiones et pupillorum

说明: pupillorum 在拉丁文中意思是受监护人而不是未成人, [iii] 尽管这个词主要指由于年龄原因而缺乏自我保护的人。

(三) G.1.195a

中译文:同样,如果妇女被一个男人所解放并且经此男人准可将自己卖给他人,然后被退卖并且被解放,庇主就不再是监护人, 她以被其解放的人为监护人 ,后者叫信托监护人。


(四) G.3.119


实际上,前两种人只能参与缔结口头债(即便承诺人自己有时并不负债,比如:妇女或者未成人未经监护人准可承诺给付,或者任何人同意在其死后实行给付。但是,如果一个奴隶或者 异邦人 做出答应,应保人或者承保人是否为其负债,这尚有疑问)

说明:从中文版旁边所附的拉丁文看到此处的词语是 extraneus 仅有家外人的意思, [iv] 而不是译文中出现的异邦人。

[i] J.-N. Funck's ( = Funceius ) book, Leges XII Tabularum, fragmentis restitut? et illustrat?, Rinteln, 1744.

《盖尤斯法学阶梯》有三种英文版,除了 Samuel P. Scott 译本外,还有 E. Poste 的译本,他依据的原始版本是 P. Krüger, Th. Mommsen 和 G. Studemund ;还有 W.M.Gordon 和 O.F.Robinson 的译本,他依据的是原始文本是 Seckel 和 Kuebler 的文本。笔者只看过 Samuel P. Scott 的译本。

[ii] 黄风编著:《罗马法词典》, 法律出版社 2002 年版,第 239 页。

[iii] 同上书,第 210 页。

[iv] 同上书,第 109 页。








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