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Freedom of migration and difference between
city and countryside --from the point of view of Marxism
ABSTRACT: The problem of the freedom of migration is
the very reflection to the biggest problem
of equity and of class of China. It is impossible
for one to choose one's birthplace, but everyone
has a right to pursue happiness, if one who
was born in a countryside or in a small and
middle city not able of having oneself be
an inhabitant of city or of metropolis freely
,the society one lives in is an extreme inequitable
one because in which it has be set up an
impassable chasm for the people's mobility
between city and countryside and between
metropolis and small and middle city, the
people staying on the two side of this chasm
forms naturally the different classes, if
it could be defined class as the groups with
different interests. The problem of the freedom
of migration, therefore, is the very key
to analyse the social structure of today's
China and to understand her current situation
and her future. With a point of view of Marxism,
this article analysed the reasons for engender
, the negative results and the method for
resolve of the problem of this problem ,
criticized the contradiction in respect of
this problem between the model of the real
socialism and the model of the ideal socialism.
According to Marxism,the elimination of differences
between city and countryside ,between workers
and peasants, between manual labour and mental
labour, is one of the important characteristics
of a communist society.(2)This article is
focus on exploring an approach to eliminate
the difference between city and countryside
by way of recognizing a freedom of migration
in lagislation and eliminating gradually a scissor difference in price between
industrial and agricultural products in economic
policy in socialist society-- the primary
stage of the communist society.
The freedom of migration,namely the freedom
by which one can choose his living place
at will,including an internal one and an
international one ,as to the latter, the
greater parts of various countries limit
it;as to the former,the greater parts of
countries recognize it.According to a statistics
to 142 written constitutions in the world,among
them there are 81 constitutions providing
for the freedom of migration,make up 57%
of the overall.(3)In the chinese history
of constitution since the constitutionlism
toward the end of Qing dynasty,there were
12 constitutions recognized the freedom of
migration,among them there were 5 constitutions with the nature of new democratism
and socialism, including the constitution
of PRC 1954.(4)But a phenomena not to be
ignored is that the great parts of constitutions
in socialist countries not recognize the
freedom of migration,the constitutions of
Ex-Czechoslovakia and Ex-Yugoslavia not recognized
this right ,but after they carried out an
economic reform, their constitutions turn
on to recognize it, above-said phenomena
shows an intimate relationship between the
freedom of migration and a kind of economic
system. In certain sense it can be said that
the difference between the socialist country
which not recognize the freedom of migration
and the capitalist countries which recognize
it , is the one in allocating mechanism for
resource,the former allocates the resource
by means of the high-concentrated plan ;the
latter does the same thing by means of the
market mechanism. One of the emphases in
the reform of the economic system which is
going on in the most partes of socialist
countries,is that changing the method of
allocating resource from the plan-allocation
to the market-allocation.As everyone knows
that the resource can be divided into material
resource and manpower resource,I think that
the freedom of migration is a legal means
to allocate the manpower resource with market
mechanism,it is imaginable therefore that
if the model of allocating resource were
changed, the legislator's attitude to the
freedom of migration will also be changed
correspondingly, this is a fact that was
proved by the experience of some ex-socialist
country.We have seen that in the process
of the reform of the economic system in China,with
a change in allocating model for material
resource , it shall be claimed to change
the allocating model for manpower resource
and to recognize the freedom of migration
in the constitutional law. It is also tenable to use above-said conclusion
to analyse the change in legal attitude to
freedom of migration in China.All the two
constitutional documents promulgated in early
period of foundation of PRC,the Common Programma
of the Chinese People's Political Consultative
Conference and the Constitution of PRC 1954,declared that all citizens of PRC
has a right to migrate freely .But all the
other constitutions laid down after the accomplishment
of Socialist Reform to the Capitalist Industry
and Commerce and the adoption of the high-concentrated
planned economic system,got rid of the provision
about the freedom of migration .Before 1956,China
carried out the state-capitalism,the society
was with the new-democratist nature,the economy
was quite with the nature of market ,therefore
the allocating method for manpower resource
also belonged to the type of market economy,so
the constitution recognized the freedom of
migration.After 1956,the allocating model
for resource became the one that every thing
was controlled by the State's plan,naturally
the freedom of migration,the legal means
of allocating a manpower resource by means
of market, was cancelled.The economic reform
which was carried out since 1979,now is going
on in China,was intended to construct a new
economic system with the nature of market-regulating,in
the process of changing the economic model,according
to the principle that super-constructure
is decided by the economic base,after the
change in the economic base,the super-construct
should also be changed correspondingly,a
restoration of the provision about the freedom
of migration in the constitution of China,therefore
is a necessary demand of the new economic
system to its legal environment. The constitution of PRC 1982 currently in
effect has not stipulated for the freedom
of migration,when it was drafted, the draftmen
have considered this problem ,finally they
have not stipulated for it because they thought
that it is too difficulty to realize .(5) Without doubt, at present condition,it is
indeed quite difficult to realize the freedom
of migration immediately,but the difficulty
is not the reason for having nothing to done,
the task before the new generation of marxist
is that affirm the realization of the freedom
of migration is an effective approach to
extinguish the difference between city and
countryside according to the Marxism's communist
ideal to extinguish "the three big differences",
furthermore analyse why it is impossible
to realize it in today's China and find out
a method to get rid of this cause,present
a practical scheme for realize it steadly
and accelerate the step to realize the communist
II The freedom of migration also could be divided
into other two aspects:one is the freedom
of migration between city and countryside;the
other is the freedom of migration between
cities.Beyond doubt, the realization of the
freedom of migration is based on that there
is no great disparity in developing level
between city and countryside, otherwise the
freedom of migration would make a great number
of rural population inflow in the cities
with high level of development , would bring
out many social drawbacks such as an explosion
of urban population. In China ,why it is impossible at present to realize
the freedom of migration between city and
countryside? The essential cause is that
as a result of running on the planned economy
long-termly in this country since 1956, existing
a great disparity in developing level between
city and countryside. After the victory of October Revolution in
Russia,the new-born sovietic political power
was confront with the problem of how to realize
a socialist industrialization.As to the problem
of the source of funds for the industrialization,
E. A. Preobrarenski presented a law of socialist
primitive accumulation, he thought that the
primitive capital for the capitalist industrialization
was gotten by means of plundering colonies
and trafficing negro slaves,etc., the socialist
country can't do like this,the primitive
capital for the socialist industrialization
shall be gotten only by means of expanding
a scissor difference in price between industrial
and agricultural products.(6) The theory
of socialist primitive accumulation influenced
the economic policy of USSR,and became an
important component of her traditional economic
model. Stalin accepted totally this theory,he
said ,to realize the industrialization, the
peasants must hand over a contribution to
the State."besides pay the common tax
--the direct one and the indirect one--also
the peasants must pay a kind of extra tax,namely
when they buy an industrial product,they
must pay a little more ,when they sale their
agricultural products,they must receive a
little less".(7)This sovietic policy
to enlarge artificially the scissor difference
in price between industrial and agricultural
products ,ran counter to an elementary principle
that the comodities must be exchanged each
other in equal value, abused the price as
a lever to redistribute the national income,"the
price of agricultural products was listed
as lower than their values greatly,thereby
amassed the peasants' surplus products on
the hand of the State most-partly or wholly
.It is very convenient for the State to do
this because of existing an economic model
of high-concentrated and of taking the administrative
manage as a key link.Just as the words of
some commorade: the degree that the price
deviated from the value in socialist countries
is usually more grave than that in capitalist
countries.(8)"Stalin's this policy to
enlarge artificially the scissor difference
has made a distructive influence to the economy
of EX-URSS,specially to her agriculture,meanwhile
her heavy-industry has had a lopsided development
, URSS that once was a country with a tradition
of exporting agricultural products became
a country which made own agricultural products
supply depend on the importation,and made
the difference between city and countryside
be bigger, as a result of this, the constitution
of EX-URSS couldn't recognize the freedom of migration,
specially it was difficult to recognize the
freedom of migration between city and countryside. After 1956, China has copied almost totally
the economic model of URSS,(9)also has arrived
in China the policy to enlarge artificially
the scissor difference in order to offer
an accumulation of capital for giving priority
to develop the heavy-industry with the other
parts of the sovietic economic model. According
to a statistical datum,the State has got
600 billions yuan from the countryside by
way of the scissor difference in price since
the foundation of PRC,among the rural population,
every one was taken away 500 yuan on an average.(10)In
1985, the State has got 6 billions yuan from
countryside in the same way,every countryman
was taken away 70 yuan on an average,in consideration
of the average income per capita in rural
area in 1988 was only 545 yuan ,the income
of scissor difference which the State has
gotten from the countryside was sizable.The
State invests the income of scissor difference
in cities,making urban population has considerable
privileges ,once one become an urban resident,
one can get 120 yuan subsidy for grain and
oil from the State every year.(11)The State
provides the urban population 50 billions
yuan subsidy for food every year,this expense
make up 1/4 of the total annual expenditure
of the State.(12)The most part of urban inhabitants
also can enjoy the hausing for which one
only pays a symbolic rental, the free medical
service,the educational service in which
invested by the State,various urban public
utilities, the arrangements and trainings
for employment,the labour protection and
insurance,all these are the treatments inaccessible
to rural population.Indeed, the State has
done some works to reduce the scissor difference,for
example ,it has raised the purchase price
of agricultural products for several times.Before
"Great Cultural Revolution",the
State has spent 1 billion yuan to raise the
purchase price of agricultural products every
year,intending to reduce the scissor difference
in price between industrial and agricultural
products and to set-off a new difference
in the price parities between them which
arise from that the incremental speed of
industrial labour productivity is more fast
than that of agricultural labour productivity,but
during the 10 years of "Great Cultural
Revolution",the purchase price of agricultural
products was almost frozen up,resulting in
an enlargement of scissor difference in price
between industrial and agricultural products
to some extent.Some economist calculated
that in 1979 the range that the price of
agricultural products was lower than their
value amounted to 41.1%,this was higher than
the range of 38.8% in 1958.This situation
harmed gravely peasants' interests,dampening
peasants' productive enthusiasm ,hindering
the development of agricultural production
, enlarging the difference between city and
countryside.In view of this situation, the
State decided to raise the purchase price
of agricultural products at big margin since
1979,in this year the prices of 18 kinds
of main agricultural products were raised
to 24.8% on an average .Until 1982,in comparison
with 1978, the real level of price of agricultural
products, which include the list price, the
add price and the negotiated price, was elevated
to 41.5%,the difference in level in income
and in level in living between workers and
peasants reduced to some extent, nevertheless,
in 1982, the difference in level in income
between workers and peasants still was 1.85:1,the
difference in level in consumption between
workers and peasants still was 2.14:1, thus
it can be seen that the difference between
city and countryside is still very great,
notwithstanding the State has done some works
to lessen it.(13) It is observable that there is a tendency
to restore the original price parities between
industrial and agricultural products in China
in recent years, the scissor difference in
price between industrial and agricultural
products was expanded again more.Begin with
1985 , the price of industrial products gone
up at big margin,resulting in a new enlargement
of the scissor difference in price between
main agricultural products such as grain,
etc.and industrial products .In 1987,in comparison
with 1984,the purchase price of grain gone
up 9.6%, but the retail price of industrial
products for countrymen's daily life and
the price of agricultural productive material
gone up respectively 20.4% and 26.9% on an
average.(14)From 1980 to 1987,the price of
grain risen in 43.7% in all,meanwhile the
prices of chemical fertilizer and of pesticide
risen in respectively 80.5% and 245.5% altogether.(15)Why
the endeavors done by the State for lessening
the scissor difference have not be achieved
an ideal effect? the cause is that almost
every time of rising in purchase price of
agricultural products is always accompanied
by a rising in price of industrial products
for agricultural use, the advantages which
peasants got from a rising in purchase price
of agricultural products was set-off, they
even lost the interests at hand. As a result
of enlarging the scissor difference there
is an unreasonable relationship between city
and countryside which renders it impossible
to realize the freedom of migration between
city and countryside. Here I would like to make some discuss about
the problem of the freedom of migration between
cities.A phenomena that there is an extreme
unequilibrium in developing level between
chinese cities is well-known by everyone.Because
of existing a totalitarian power of the central
government and of a big shortage of developing
funds,a city's developing degree depends
usually to the political factor other than
the economic one .Relying on its political
power,the State grasps financial income in
quantity from some city,then uses this funds
as a support to the development of other
cities, specially to that of the capital
,make some cities have an ultra-development
at the expense of other cities. For example,
Shanghai,the greatest industrial city in
China,is only possess of a fixed assets worthing
of 40 billions yuan(not include the fixed
assets of Baoshan Steel and Iron Company),but
turns over the State a financial income in
large quantities every year.In a period of
9 years since 1979, the City of Shanghai
turned over Treasury 170 billions yuan, only in the year of 1988,
this City turned over above-said Ministry
12 billions yuan as a contribution.Indeed
Shanghai is the greatest capital exporter
in China,but the poorness of Shanghai's municipal
facilities is well-known by the world,a deficit
in basical facilities amounts to 40 billions
yuan.(16)Once there was not a bridge over
Huangpu River,that is a cause of horrible
disaster happened on Lujiazui Ferry on this
river.(17)As a contrast, Beijing, a city
without a river, possesses at least 50 bridges
of grade separation,but the financial income
of this city cannot be mentioned in the same
breath with that of Shanghai, in 1985 she
earned own financial income only 1.2 billion,
among which almost a half (500 millions)
was spent on the subsidy for the living of
the urban residents in this city.Only because
of her position of political centre,Peking
has the best municipal facilities in China.According
to a statistic,every resident of Beijing
enjoys 550 yuan subsidy every year on an
average.(18)The May 1, 1987,the Labour Day
of this year,only for supplying the residents
of Beijing the hairtail at a parity price,the
Municipal Government of Peking spent 15 millions
yuan for the subsidy,this expense just amounted
to the costs for building up a bridge of
grade of separation. Moreover the residents
of Beijing even more enjoy the public facilities
of first class in China,such as the subway,
numerous parks and a lot of grassland and
forest, according to a recent statistic ,the
proportion of green caverage in Beijing reached
in 23%, taking the first place among chinese
cities,each resident of Beijing enjoys 6
square metre of grassland on an average ,in
fact,before several years the costs of each
square metre of grassland reached in 24 yuan.If
put a common street of Beijing in any provincial
capital, perhaps it were the best street.
The development always is a good thing, the
problem is: where comes from the money for
developing ? It is obvious that the ultra-development
of Beijing not depends on her small financial
income,but depends on the political power
and on the money which comes from other cities
and various provinces. In the history of
China,there were a lot of examples that a
city got an ultra-development through a political
approach,for example,the City of Changan
in Tang Dinasty was bigger in 8 times than
today's City of Xian(which was built in Ming
dinasty)in the scale,the City of Bianliang
in Song Dinasty was bigger in 36 times than
the today's City of Kaifeng.These cities
had a development without sufficient economic
reason, once lost a support of a political
power, they declined rapidly. It can be expected
that once Beijing lose her position of political
centre,she shall have an anxious fate.Now
there is not a statistic about how much subsidy
enjoys an urban resident of other chinese
cities, but there isa datum indicating that
a person who emigrates from countryside in
a city, can get 120 yuan subsidy for grain
and oil from the State each year , because
of the subsidy for grain and oil always occupy
the main part of total sum of subsidies,
even though adds up other item of subsidy
in this sum,it is presumable that the totality
of subsidy that was enjoyed by a urban inhabitant
of provincial cities is impossible to be
equal to that of the residents of Beijing
.It is should not be surprised that once
one enters in Beijing,he always seeks for
dewelling there permanently by every possible
means.In 1990,the personnel of organs in
various levels in Beijing was approximately
saturated,furthmore the State implemented
a policy to limit the graduats remain in
the capital,but in this year among the 32000
graduats there were 16000 persons remain
in Beijing for work,just made up 50% of the
totality,(19) it is immaginable the situation
in past years .The economic problem in China
always seems to be the political one at the
same time ,because of the good or the bad
of living environment in cities not depends
on the economic factor,but on the political
one, some of cities can get an artificial
blood transfusion, other cities are only
looked on as a blood source for this transfusion,
the difference between the capital and local
cities, between metropolis and small and
middle cities were enlarged too greatly,
the freedom of migration between cities lost
a base for realization.
Without doubt, the mistaken economic policy
to enlarge the defference between city and
countryside, between cities runs counter
to the communist principle to eliminate the
"three big defferences" which was
presented by Marx and Engles,not only deprived
chinese citizens of the freedom of migration,but
also brought out a series of anxious social-economic
problems. The first one is the problem of" blind
wandering".After the Spring Festival
1989,a great number of countrymen poured
in cities to seek for jobs,made the system
of trasportation and the basic facilities
in the developed areas suffer a great pressure,there
was a period in which the 70% railway passegers
were the work-seekers of peasants.That the
rural population flowed in cities on a large
scale made someone panic-struck,they held
this phenomena as an argument to demonstrate
that it can't be recognized that the freedom
of migration,stood for going back the old
way that countrymen were pinned on the ground.It
is obvious that if do like this,shall violate
not only the general requirement to establish
a market for human resource in the new order
of market economy, but also the general law
of urbanization of population in a transition
from an agricultural society to an industrial
one.As a matter of fact,the problem of "blind
wandering" is the very result of the
mistaken economic policy and of the legal
provision denying the freedom of migration.
Facing the greatest contrast in living level
between city and countryside, the 150 millions
surplus manpower in countryside sought for
instinctly a life as an urban inhabitant
,with an actual act to abandon the agricultural
work and to enter in cities,they made a protest
against the unreasonable economic policy
and the constitution denying the freedom
of migration. The second one is the problem that many workers
are in employment but have no work to do.In
China ,people calls this kind of workers
as "unemployed at his working post",in
other words, they have an occupation, but
they have nothing to do. In chinese cities
there are 15 millions persons of this kind,except
this still are there 15 millions persons
waiting for a job .In the meantime,there
are 30 millions of working posts waiting
for hands in urban enterprises .(20)The urban
inhabitants are not willing to be engaged
in an occupation with a big intensity of
labour and in a so-called "humble"one,
because of they have various garantee which
based on the financial subsidy from the State,they
prefer to live in idle than to take a job
about which they don't think that it conforms
to their standards.In many of urban enterprises
,notwithstanding a lot of workers stay in
idle,but the "humble" works in
the factories were reserved to be done by
the temporary workers who usually are peasants.(21)It
is the greatest evil that the surplus labours
coexist with the shortage of hands in working
posts at the same time.If the freedom of
migration were recognized, that the rural
surplus labours could compete equally the
working opportunities in cities with the
urban inhabitants,shall coerce the latter
into changing the idea that prefer to do
high-ranking work rather than lowly one in
choice of occupation, elevating the labour
productivity and resolving the problem of
"unemployed at his working post." The third one is the problem that the chinese
qualified personnel has a big difficulty
in mobility.Because of not recognizing the
freedom of migration, the rate of move of
population in China is very low, every chinese
has only 1.7 time of move for life on an
average, the proportion of population in
move is lower than 2.4% every year in all
through the country .As a contrast of this,in
United States ,there are 25% population in
move every year, in France, Ex-Federal Germania,
Sweden,in all these countries there are 10% population in move every year.(22)The low
common rate of move decided a low rate of
move of the chinese personnel of science
and technology ,this rate is lower than 2%,
the average number of time of move for life
to a personnel of science and technology
is lower 1 time.(23) Because of existing
a great of differences between cities in
developing level, some university in cities
with high level of development receives only
the candidates who possess the local residence
cards, If a graduate wants to take a job
in one of these cities after his graduation,he
had to accept a condition that not asks for
transfering his wife in this city.The above-said
situation impedes to shape a market of the
qualified personnel,infringing the citizen's
rights of receiving an education at his own
choice and of autonomy in matrimony,and that
fostering an accumulation of inertia in the
national psychology which makes people prefer
stability to change and attach to the native
land and not be willing adventure. The fourth one is the problem of a decline
of local great cities.Still Shanghai is the
most typical example to this problem.The
causes that Shanghai was changed from an
international metropolis to a city of second
class are numerous, among them there is an
important one,namely, the cancellation to
the freedom of emigration made the integral
quality of shanghainese drop out.The freedom
of migration once brought the persons of
all corners of land gather in Shanghai,threw
the shanghainese and their culture into shape
of mordernity by way of the intricate contacts,the
frictions and the competitions in political,
economy, culture and living, brought about
a vitality to Shanghai. The cancellation
to the freedom of migration blocked up an
unimpeded tunnel by which the elite and the
qualified personnel outside Shanghai flowed
in, made Shanghai close up,as a result of
this ,the shanghainese lost an opening spirit
formed in the competition with nonnative
emigrations with various cultural backgrounds,the
decline of person caused the decline of the
city. The fifth one is the problem of couple living
apart.Because of the charactristic of their
careers, the chinese intellectuals specially
suffer from this.According to a datum disclosed
by National Ministry of Labour and Human
Resource of PRC: "at present, there
are 360 thousands couples living apart in
the carders and the staff and workers in
all through country."(24)The abnormal
phenomena of husband and wife living apart
is the very result of denying the freedom
of migration.These couples endure long-termly
an anxiety of missing,their matrimony has
more form than substance, their parents and
children have no good care.This abnormal
phenomena also induces an elevation in the
rate of divorce. The sixth one is the problem of an explosion
of urban population.Because of not recognizing
the freedom of migration,which is caused
by the existance of the biggest difference
between city and countryside that do harm
to the peasants' productive activity, there
is a shortage of agricultural products in
China, the State had to supply agricultural
products for urban population in the way
of ration system,as a result of this,the
urban residence card has not only a function
of census administration, but also a function
by which people gets agricultural products
at a lower price(the country in which a residence
card has this function in the world are only
North Corea,Benin and China), people regards
the urban residence card as a voucher by
which obtain considerable subsidy for living
from the State,the urban inhabitants grip
it tightly and are not willing to give it
up,on the other hand,the countrymen go all
out to get it,now the residence cards of
cities with different levels of development
shape up different prices in black markets.As
this,it is perilous for the urban inhabitants
to emigrate from there,they prefer to stay
in there without both ambitions and risks,even
if emigrate from there by absolute necessity,they
usually offered a condition that it must
reserve for themself the original urban residence
cards ,but meanwhile the rural residents
think of way constantly to shoulder their
way in cities,It is natural to happen a population
explosion in cities.Instead,if it were permited
that people migrates freely ,changing the
situation of shortage in agricultural products
and getting rid of the function of a residence
card as a means of obtaining agricultural
products at lower price,it could look to
ease up this phenomena, the reason is very
simply:if an urban residence card not represents
any privilege at all,if one emigrates from
a city, one still has an opportunity to migrate
in there again,the urban inhabitants would
become to dare emigrate,the countrymen should
not regard an urban residence card as so
IV From above-said it can be infered that,whether
can realize the freedom of migration or not
is basically an economic problem ,only it
shall be resolved by means of economy. To
eliminate totally the difference between
city and countryside is a task to be accomplished
in the advanced stage of communist society,the
requirement of eliminating at once all the
difference between city and countryside in
the socialist society, the primary stage
of the communist society,is unrealistic.But
in the period of transition,the State should
make great efforts to do something in aid
of realizing the goals of the advanced stage
of communist society and should not have
nothing to do or do something quite the contrary
,any economic policy to enlarge artificially
the difference between city and countryside
is very a mock and a betray to the fundamental
programme of communism.We can't abstain from
talking about the goal to eliminate the difference
between city and countryside and realize
the freedom of migration only because they
are quite difficult to realize, talking about
these goals at least shows that we still
remember them ,this is the very first step
to spare no efforts to realize them. For
the today's chinese government ,a recognition
of the freedom of migration in the constitution,
not only means a transformation in the alloating
machanism for human resource after the economic
reform ,but also means that some practical
step was be took for realizing the goal to
eliminate the diference between city and
countryside,this is a more important significance
in the thing. To obtain a realistic base for realizing
the freedom of migration, the State should
adjust the relevent economic policy,practically
raising the purchase price of agricultural
products at big margin,diminishing and even
eliminating the scissor difference in price
between industrial and agricultural products,making
the peasants sale their products out at a
price conforming to its value so as to stimulate
their productive activity , making the agricultural
labourer can get a profit as other labourer
in other trades and making the peasants therefore
keep their mind on agricultural working.A
elevation of the productive activity of peasants
should bring about a great increase in the
total amount of agricultural products supply,once
it be changed that the situation of shortage
in agricultural products supply and the demand
of market can be satisfied sufficiently,the
State could cancel the ration system in supply
of agricultural products to urban population,
undoing itself from a great financial burden
in this respect, dipeling a vicious circle
that was brought about by the artificial
enlargement of scissor difference: the shortage
of agricultural products--the urban residence
card become a voucher by which people can
obtain agricultural products at lower price--the
difference between city and countryside was
further enlarged--the realization of the
freedom of migration between city and countryside
become more difficult.There is a strange
phenomena in countryside of China: a person
who engages with an agricultural working
earnestly is almost impossible to become
rich,as a peasants could become rich only
by way of engaging with an industry and a
commerce and a side-line,a reaction of peasants
to this is that let the farmlands not plough
up and change own direction to other line
of business,even in Jiangsu Province and
Zhejiang Province,the most important places
of source of revenue of successive dynasties
since long ago,and the most fertile lands
for agriculture in China,it also sprung up
many farmlands abandoned and not be cultivated,
this is a very startling fact.I think that
once it be adopted that a policy to eliminate
the scissor difference,a new economic lever
shall conduct peasants to return back their
farmland and take agriculture as a pleasure,they
could make themself be rich by means of agricultural
working .Meantime,the State should reduce
and even call off the subsidy to urban inhabitants
and cut down their sense of superiority,elevating
the labour productivity in cities.The State
could use the funds which were spent formerly
on subsidy for living of urban inhabitants
as an investment in countryside for establishing
some public utility ,improving the living
condition in countryside and making rural
inhabitants stabilize.The reduction of the
difference between city and countryside should
create a condition for realizing the freedom
of migration between city and countryside. The State should carry out a policy to shrink
the artificial difference between cities,
leting the development and the improvement
of condition of different cities become a
result of economic factor, other than that
of political one, canceling the artificial
transfusion of blood to some city.In the
distributive relationship to public revenue
between the central and the localities,the
State should put in practice a system by
which the central take over a part of local
revenue of various provinces and cities at
an uniform and fixed percentage so as to
get rid of the phenomena of "whiping
a fast bull",namely a locality earns
more, it must hand over more, avoiding to
cause an inequality in suffering and in gaining
between localities in order to extinguish
the conflicts between localities and between
cities.The reduction of the difference between
cities shall create a presupposition for
realizing the freedom of migration between
cities. The State should put in practice of a strategy
of urbanization.The history of modern industrialized
countries shows that the urbanization is
the only way for modernizationi,it is certain
that China couldn't be an exception.Furthermore
a city only reach in certain dimension,her
public utilities can be used sufficiently
and get a good economic effects.Only by way
of urbanization ,the State could seek for
an outlet for 150 millions rural surplus
labour.The strategy of urbanization must
produce a demand to law to recognize the
freedom of migration. A realization of the freedom of migration
presupposes a practise of the policy to eliminate
the obstacles to realize it,once they were
removed,it should be considered to revise
the constitution of China corrently in vigor
and in which it shall be added the following
provision: Every citizen of PRC has a right
to migrate freely .
------------------------------------------------------------------ Notes: (1)The author is a professor of South-Central
University of Political Science and law in
Wuhan, PRC,Now he is acting as a visiting
professor in the Dipartememnto di Storia
e Teoria del Diritto, Universita' degli Studi
di Roma "Tor Vergata". (2)Cfr.Pen Wanchun:"The Dialectical
Materialism and the Historical Materialism",
Beijing, 1985, P.548. (3)Cfr.Henc van Maarseveen /Ger van der Tang:" Written
Constitutions:A Computerized Comparative
Study" (traslation in chinese), Beijing,
1987, P.144. (4)According to the statistics made by Chen
Hefu in his works of "All the Constitutions
in the Chinese History:Edited according to
a Typology", Beijing, 1980. (5)Cfr.Xiao Weiyun:"A Study to the New
Constitution in Comparison with Several Previous
Constitutons". in "The Collected
Works of Chinese Legal Science", Beijing,1984,
P.132. (6)Cfr.Laszlo Szamuely:" First Models
of theSocialist EconomicSystems",(translation
in chinese), Changsha, 1988, (7)"All of Works of Stalin"(translation
in chinese), Beijing Vol.13, P.45. (8)Cfr.Ma Hong:"On socialist Commodity
Economy", Beijing, 1987, P.179. (9)Cfr.Zhao Dexing:"The Outline of Economic
History of PRC", Wuhan, 1988,P.135. (10)Cfr.Gao Rongkun:" A Study to the
Policy Differentiating City and Countryside
in interests," Thesis of Master Degree
of Institute of Postgraguates , Academy of
Social Sciences of China, 1990, P.36. (11)Cfr.Jin Zhengrong and Ren Zhemin:"The
Population Tranfering from Agriculture to
other Trades Increases Sharply in Our Country
and It Needs a Tight Control", in "Guangming
Daily", 3 March 1989. (12)Cfr.Guo Shutian and Liu Chunbing:"
The Dual Structural Society,The Relationship
between City and Countryside,Industrialization
and Urbanization",in "Manuscripts
about the Rural Economy",no.6 1988. (13) ibidem note 7,PP.202-203. (14)Cfr.Yu Taihou:"The Tendency of Restoration
of the Price Parities between Industrial
and Agricultural Products in Our Country
at Present", in "North-east Gazette
of Economy", 20 feburuary 1990. (15)ibidem note 9,P22. (16)According to "The Abstracts"
,22 november 1989. (17)It is gratified that now the magnificent
bridges Nangpu and Yangpu were erected over
Huangpu River and that the State has made
a great decision to open the part of Shanghai
on the east of Huangpu River(Pudong). (18)According to "Chinese Women's Daily",
6, november 1988. (19)According to "Chinese Youth's Daily"
, 27 july 1990. (20)ibidem note 11. (21)The State sets a limitative quota for
using temporary workers every year. (22)Cfr."A Perspective to the Chinese
System of Haushold Register", in "The
Window to South Wind",no. 8 1988. (23)According to "People's Daily"
,12 March 1989. (24)Cfr. Shu Yu:"The Happiness and the
Anxiety of the Couples Living Apart",in
"People's Daily", 1 March 1989. |
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