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CURRICULUM VITAE 1. Personal dates: - Surname and First name: SAMBRIAN TEODOR - Date of birth : 16.01.1955, - Place of birth: - Citizenship: Romanian - Home Address: -
Office Address: -
Phone/fax:++40251419900, -
E-mail:oanaandreia@yahoo.com -
Passport no. 07126268, Date of issue: Feb.2003 2. Studies - "Elena Cuza"- secondary school
1970-1974 - Graduate of law Faculty of Bucharest University (1974-1978), with university degree in 1978, specialization law 3. The main specialization: Roman law Other specializations: History of Law, Civil Law 4. Ph D title The Ph D title at 5. Professional activities: - Local Prosecutor Office 1978-1990- prosecutor - Professor since 1990 at 6. Leading activities -
Scientifically secretary of Council Of the
Faculty (1991-1993) -
Member of Senate of -
Vice – dean 1993-2000 of Law Faculty 7. Actual place of work: 8. Scientific works - 12 books - 45 studies and articles in national an
international reviews - International congress on roman law: 1998 (Roma- VII-th meeting of specialists in roman law from central and eastern Europe and Italy), 2000 (Vladivostok - VIII-th meeting of specialists in roman law from central and eastern Europe and Italy), 2002 Novi Sad- IX-th meeting of specialists in roman law from central and eastern Europe and Asia), Bucharest – Romanian Italian meeting “Romanian traditions, roman law and codifications” organized by Romanian Academy, Latin Union and The center on promotion of Romanian law from Roma, 2003 (Moscow – III-th International Congress of roman law) 9. Language abilities: French, Latin 10. Other activities: -
Member of Romanian Society of Classical Studies -
2001 Visiting professor at -
Member of Review Board “ Juridical Sciences” -
Correspondent for -
Member of Review Board “ Studies” 11. Other mentions: included in the first edition of “Who’s
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